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Carly & Laz | Ford Nature Center & Stambaugh Auditorium Engagement Session | Youngstown, Ohio


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Carly & Laz won my heart as soon as they arrived with a Caramel Apple Spice for me! One of my favorite childhood memories is going to Ford Nature Center and Lanterman’s Mill when they held Fall events, and always always the hot apple cider and donuts! I think I channeled that nostalgia while we were […]

Suzanne & Will


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Suzanne and Will planned a sunrise engagement session at Lake Milton, in hopes that we’d get some really soft morning light. But, in true Ohio fashion, the sun didn’t show up. I think that what we got was much better though, because the chance of sun is much higher than the chance of getting fog, […]

Brittany & Jordan | Everett Covered Bridge & Blue Hen Falls Engagement Session | Cuyahoga Valley National Park


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One of my biggest regrets as a photographer is that I don’t live somewhere like California, where there are rolling hills and (actual) mountains, not to mention warm temps year-round and THE OCEAN. But I will say this: Ohio does Fall SO MUCH better.  And for that, I’m proud to be an Ohioan.  I love shooting […]

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